Mawson's Hut Restoration - Antarctica.

My most recent career highlight has been volunteering my past 4 summers (totalling well over 12 months of my own time) in restoring Mawson’s Hut in the Antarctic. My primary role was that of field leader and expedition carpenter and I plan on returning to do more restoration work in the future.

From Tasmania, it's a 1 week boat ride to get there or a short 4 hour flight. After each trip, there is always some digging to do to get to where we left off last time. This is the hut after some thawing and digging. One of my favourite photos. Where most of Hurleys photos were developed while shooting in Antarctica. The chair Mawson sat in while planning his expeditions. Making sure the levels are correct. In my 4 visits here, we have only luckily ever encountered penguin and seals as visitors. The restoration work and reinforcements of the exisiting hut begins. Temporary cubicle where we did our private business. A close up of the West Wall of Mawsons hut.
Go to My own Owner-Built dream home completed 2010.